Violence in Games?
The question if violent games should be banned is a question that has come up once more in Germany. The problem is that many believe that violent PC or Video games cause students to go on a killing spree, not in all cases but to often. If the German government should decide that the only solution is to ban games would it be possible for the German government to enforce this ban? That is very doubtful since games would most likely find their way into Germany by Internet or 'black' import. So does it actually help to ban a game? Most say no since first the game can be obtained with other means, and second the thrill or interest in the game is likely to be increased if the game should be banned. Similar to the problem of alcohol that is often seen in North America, which is that the thrill, to consume the forbidden convinces the young adults that drinking is 'good' or at the very least 'rebellious'.
Further experts state 'that violent games can but do not necessarily trigger a killing spree, further it is stated that it is less the game but the way children often grow up today which is with a greater tolerance for violence due to media input. To make certain that I child will not turn into a murderer it has to be made clear that violence is not acceptable within society.'
All sides to which the links lead are in German.
„Killerspiele“ im Fadenkreuz der Politik
Amoklauf in Emsdetten und die Folgen
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