Turkey and the Pope
The Pope has begun his visit in Turkey which is a predominantly Muslim country, his visit was foreshadowed by protests of the Muslim communities. These protests were sparked by the Popes speech in Germany which caused a great deal of anger within the Muslim communities.
Here is the link to the article that I wrote to that issue in September
One speech many issues (Paladin101)
This and the current tension around the joining of Turkey to the EU move this visit into the light of public attention. Pope will be seen as a indicator for the Western Christian attitude towards Turkey, in several issues one is the acceptance of Muslims the other very important issue is the debate to or not to let Turkey join into the EU.
The Pope himself stated that he intends to heal the relations between Christians and Muslim, that he does not personally believe what was said in that speech and that solidarity between the cultures would be a duty to be fulfilled.
Here are links to articles dealing with the visit.
Pope calls for religious exchange (BBC)
Pope calls for religious tolerance (Al Jazeera)
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