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Friday, November 10, 2006

Information Apathy

Today's population seems to accept anything given to them, be it the Big Mac, or the pre-cut and chewed information, made available to the public by the Media. Today's media can create any image it wants because it is rarely challenged, I will admit that in some rare instances that is not correct but overall it is true. Political information is given in a manner that allows the government to control or rather the media to control what people believe. Most people do not search for information, and this allows not just for mis-representation but rather for no real representation.
Governments today orient themselves around interest groups, this can be by means of taxes, support given to a certain branch etc. this can be seen to the greatest extent in the USA. Where lobbying is very important but not just that, lets take an election campaign for example, those campaigns are financed with? Yes, right money supplied by very rich individuals, corporations CEOs, in other words by the people that have the money. Their interests will be most respected by the politicians, since they payed and will pay for their election campaigns. Is this democratic?
Further, yes the USA is an extreme example, but isn't also true that this policy making a) influences other nations b) that corporations and other interest groups attempt to gain stronger footing in other nations too?

Enough of my rant, if you want to know more I suggest that you should watch the movies 'Manufacturing consent' and 'Creating Political Power'.

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