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Friday, February 24, 2006

Quantity or Quality?

Games are being released at an increasing rate but sadly the quality of these games has suffered greatly under this, problems ranging from the simple little shadow bug to the more extensive crash bug occur more often. These bugs are one of the problems games have recently suffered under, these bugs decrease the entertainment of games that have them because one it destroyes the atmosphere and second it sometimes makes it harder to succeed. The next area of problems is the premature release of a game this means nothing else than that after a game is released, while it should have remained in in development for at least another year. Games like that suffere under the lack of atmosphere and storyline even though they did have the initial potential.
Now there are still games that are good and that offer all the entertainment and atmosphere needed to make a good game but the game market is being flooded by games that are insufficently tested and/or developed. Why is it that history has to repeat itself?

Sunday, February 12, 2006


Elite's have enourmus power (that we the common person give them) they use this power to gain things for their personal benefit. For one there were forty something people on this Island that wanted a roof over their tennis court, well now they bought it (with tax money). They sadly forgot to measure the space the had and compare it to the space the would need, the side effect that a (for lack of a better word) plastic bubble lies in a storage facility. This plastic for is already paid for but now it has no use whatsover. Other similar things are happening on these Islands for decades now, basically the problem is that certain elitsts want to have something if it is a over seized community hall or a libary, nothing is done in a efficient manner that would serve everyone. These are small scale examples of what is happening all over the world in politics. Instead of working together for the ultimatly common goal which supposedly is to servewho ever they were elected by. They continue these pitty wars that do not serve anyone, now how can that be stopped?
Why does no one take charge and state the obvious, that they don't know what they are doing and that they should leave it before they break more things then they already did. I have talked to many people that are unhappy because of misrepresentation or that want to do something but can not because the elite's horde their power and defend it with everything at their deposit.
What has to happen to wake everyone up and show them that they give that power to the elite's, it is not as if the elite's had a right onto that power, they just happen to be elected now what would happen if we elected someone outside this elite group? They might immidiatly attack him and try to destroy. Otherwhise they might reconsider and accept him/her at once.

Comics and Wars

The so called 'western civilasation' has conquered since its first existance. We now look back and think how primitive the man have been back in the Roman empire, but the truth is that we have not changed since then. Given we have computers, weapons of mass destruction and other nice toys they did not have back then but we still do the same things, we still try to conquer to expand our power. Imperialism has not hepled anyone, it takes on both sides, it destroys the area fought over and in the end we all end up with less then we had before. The only way to proof that we actually did advance would be to show acceptance for other religions and people, to not try to conquer them with weapons but rather invite them in and making them once friend. This is not impossible it is just something that seems fairly difficult to men.
So now something a little less emotional...

Is it neccassery that we control other people, or that we own the land that they life on?
What does a individual gain from possesing more than they could ever use or need?
Imperialism is something that is not neccassery it is only a way to make some (an elite richer), while the rest (soldiers and the local residents have to suffer the consequence.)
If these elites want to fight over the riches of the world let them do it but let them not drag others in these disputes, for example the Danish newspaper did probably not intend to anger others but rather thought that it would sell well to print that picture. (I might add that many in Europe are non-religious and thus don't understand how a comic can trigger such reactions.)
Ignorance should not be excused but if it is possible to think of it as something that can be changed.

Saturday, February 11, 2006

What is the meaning of Paladin?

This question is one I have been asked for quiet sometime now which is why I' m now finally answering it.
The word 'Paladin' derived from the latin word 'palatinus' which means "Attached to the Palace".
Paladins have two nations in which they supported (or rather the supposed founding farther of both) these nations were France and Germany. Charles the great is supposedly the king (later emperor) that originally supported the Paladins and swore Roland (a very renowned Paladin Hero). Charles the great became Emperor Augustus in Rome on Christmas Day 800 A.D. by Pope Leo III and is therefore regarded as founder of the HolyRoman Empire.
The stories of Paladins rivaled the tales of King Arthur and his Round Table, but they seemed to have lost their ground over the course of time. They were always displayed as warriors that would not give ground to the enemy, sadly those enemies in those times were religious.
Today paladins are connected with vailent-hero(s) and/or particular loyal companion(s), they were known to right the wrong and defend the helpless and oppressed.
Most people now know paladins only from movies, games (PC, Console and Roleplay).
In these they are usually represented as warriors of god...

I personally see define Paladins as follows: A paladin supports anyone who is in need of help. A paladin is willing to follow strict ideals, does not waver from these ideals even if that leads to danger for the paladin.

S.T.A.L.K.E.R. has finally reached beta approval stage

S.T.A.L.K.E.R. is a first-person Shooter that was first announced in 2002 and has been anticipayted ever since. This game uses an actual enviroment, Chernobyl and its near surrounding. It has many elements never before seen in first-person shooters as the need to hunt and eat as well as that every pice of equipment wears out. Not to forget sleeping, so if you forget to sleep or eat this impacts on accuracy, stamina, and health of course. If equipment is not mantained then it may mailfunction easily. The storyline is non-linear and thus every action taken by the player impacts on his/her game expierence.
This game will be available in 32 and 64-bit versions (64-Bit will probably look better), the sys. req. will be high so be prepared to upgrade. I personally think that you should be fine if you can play 'HL2: Aftermath'.
The ETA on this game early 2007...

P.S. Yes, Vehicles will be available too but they as well will wear out, the game takes place on approximatly 30 square kilometers, these are taken out of the real world for the most parts.

Friday, February 10, 2006


Japan has argued for quiet some time for the hunting of whales, but now Japan increased the size of its which more than doubles the number of whales catched by Japan.
Only one kind of hunting is legal today which is the whaling for scientific purposes, but Japan has build up a great reserve of whale meat. First Japan attempted to sell the meat to schools, this failed. The next attempt was to sell dog food made of the excess whale meat, this was a very successful try and has started a boom for whale dog food.
A Japanese fast food chain is carrying whale burgers as well. Japan seems to be ignorant to the fact that whales do have feelings, that they have a very important role in the ecosystem and that the annihalation of an enitre species will impact onto the ecosystem.

Day of Defeat Source for free

Valve has started a new campaign to promote Steam. Valve made the newest version of the first-person shooter 'Day of Defeat Source' available for free, (for the duration of this weekend.)
The only hitch is that you have to be a Steam user.
Steam is a free updating and distribution software developed and used by Valve.

To many kiss partners

A recent studie in Austrialia has linked French kissing with the transmission of the meningococcal bacteria. This bacteria is potentially deadly, it attacks the brain and spinal cord, it is known that today one teenager in ten carries the bacteria. It is not probable that teenagers will change their behaviour but they should be aware of the dangers as well as the symptoms.

The symptoms are:
A high fever with possibly cold hands and/or feet.
Vomitting and someitmes diarrhoea.
Severe headaches.
Joint and muscle pains as well as possible stomach cramps.
Neck stiffness.

It is suggested that teenagers make sure that they are vaccinated (it is not perfect but does decrease the chances of becoming infected drasticly), the groups that are in the greatest danger are students that visit High Schools, colleges and universities. As well as other teenagers that life in closed quarters like dorms, Barracks etc..

Thursday, February 09, 2006

The Microwave oven

The microwave oven had been developed in Germany during the invasion into Russia, the intend was to create a way to produce food fast in great amounts. The German scientists did not manage to perfect this technology, The U.S. War department managed to gain control over documents containing this information and classified the information. The Russians did learn of the microwave by capturing a number of the test systems employed by the Germans in labs. The Russian scientists extensively researched the side-effects of the microwave from 1957 until the end of the Cold War. German as well as Russian observed the following effects, microwaved food lost most nutritious value and cancer causing agents build up. The human body suffers if positioned close to the microwave while in use, consuming food that has been microwaved is harmful to the human body. The Nervous system is as well affected by residue if a human is exposed to to microwave radiation.These observations were the reason for a nation wide ban of microwaves in Russia, a international warning was issued as well.The microwave operates as follows: The microwaves cause the water molecules in water to rotate at a high rate this movement causes heat, the problem that the heat is of a very violent nature and destroys the partially. When the food cools down the structures reforming or left are not helpful or even harmful to the human body.

P.S.: There is another theory, which concerns it self with the application of Microwaves in the process of Brainwashing. This application has supposedly been prooven by the Russian scientists Drs. Luria and Perov.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Cellphones healthy?

The cellphone radiates microwaves in small amounts, microwaves cause atoms to move at high rates the atom that responses to that very effect the best is water. A brain consists mainly out of water, to a even higher percentage then the rest of the human body.
The brain has the ability to react to temperature changes quickly that limits the damage done to the brain. The eyes on the other hand do not which is why it is the organ that suffers most under the use of cellphones.

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Monday, February 06, 2006

Where is the limit?

The 'cartoon incident' triggered a series of violant acts against embassies of europian nations in which the cartoon was printed. Protests against this comic and the disrespect for other peoples believes (the comic is the peak of this disrespect) now engulf the globe. The question is were is the limit? Were do we reach the point at which we should say this is too much we should not say or print this?

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Religions that are commonly not called as such

Definition of Religion:
1.Belief in superhuman or divine power or powers being to be obeyed.
2. The state or way of life of a person.
3.As well as the belief in a system.
4. A pursuit or interest followed with devotion.

1.The term Capitalism was used for the first time by the novelist William Makepeace Thackeray in 1854, to denote ownership over a great amount of capital2. The 'religion' of capitalism3 is basically nothing but the extreme of trying to gain money4, and other forms of capital in great amounts. An actual point of origin or time is not known, but the idea of capitalism already existed in the Roman, the Chinese, the Mongol empires. At that time, Capitalism took the form of trading. But acquiring capital was not the sole goal in life until the late 1800's. (Family was considered more important).
'The Medieval world considered greed to be a destructive force that could wreak havoc on the well-being of the community. A merchant was allowed to make a fair return that is, or that would allow him to live in a manner appropriate for someone of his social standing.'5
3.Capitalism developed out of the wish of gaining as much as possible with the least amount of work.
Capitalism was not fully integrated into society until the 1800's.
2.Principal capitalistic figures today would be any person that hords great amounts of Capital. Capitalism is exemplified in the 'American Dream', which basically means nothing but that a person starts with nothing and finishes with great capital at his/her command.
4.Today, most people 'practice' capitalism. The homeland of capitalism is now the United States of America.
5.The potent Symbol for capitalism is money. Money serves as a universal good which can be used by everyone to be exchanged for anything that can be purchased.
6.The main ritual of capitalism is the profiteering at any cost including war, death and destruction.
The best example of this is the second Iraq war in which large corporations have made great profits in the pursuit of war.
Another example would be the second world war which was about nothing else than capital. Germany wanted to acquire 'Lebensraum' (Living space) and the U.S. Economy profiteered like never before by selling arms, materials and equipment to both sides (only until the U.S. entered the war), the Japanese wanted to gain territory and resources. We should not forget one of the major causes of the devastated German economy was the payments Germany had to pay after accepting sole responsibility for the first World War, and the dismantlement of German factories (most of the equipment moved to France).
7.In the religion of capitalism, money is sacred and great wealth promises salvation. A person that practices capitalism can be 'bought'. This person has only one moral objective which is the gaining of more capital thus making the 'free' market a unassailable moral good.

1.Communism on the other hand originates with the Communist Manifesto written by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, published in 1848. The Ideal of communism is helping the community and through the community the individual as well. Communism is said to have started with the Communist Manifesto, a document which stated that everyone was equal and that everyone has a right to live at a comfortable and similar standard.
2.The Principal figures associated with Communism are Joseph Stalin (1878-1953) who ruled Russia with an iron fist. In China Máo Zédōng (1893-1976) was someone who believed that a human can still be a living god, Mao was a strong supporter of cults that followed Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, Vladimir Lenin, Joseph Stalin and of course himself.
3.Communism gained great popularity in Europe, Asia and America in 1849 until the mid 1900's. The strongest supporters were in the working classes. Communist-sympathizers were hunted and discredited over the following 150 years and still are. Some nations started persecuting Communists on their own soil.(These were capitalistic nations, even though communists did not pose a threat to them).
In the 1950's, the United States started a witch hunt hunting communists initiated by Senator Joseph McCarthy (he was a Republican). He condemned and prosecuted communists throughout the U.S. denying suspected communists employment in the private sector and government6. He even targeted Generals, other Senators and members of the film industry (the film industry had more than 300 victims).
George W. Bush challenged his opponents of being a socialists (or god forbid a communist) in the elections of 2000 and 2004. Painting his opponents as socialists became his political strategy.
4. There are not many communistic nations left and sympathizers are becoming rare.
5. Communism does not have one or multiple symbol(s) that represent Communism but rather an ideal, the ideal off everyone being equal.
6. Communism does not seem to have any ritual(s). This is probably due to the non-uniformity between the different communistic governments.
7. There are only two things sacred in a communistic society; one is Family and the other is Community.
P.S.: A common misconception is that Communism is inconsistent with democratic Principles, which is not true. Good examples for this are First Nations.
Another popular myth is that Russia's and China's versions of Communism closely reflect the ideas of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. Both China as well as Russia replaced one elite group with another one, while Marx and Engels dreamed of a world of equality, without elitism, class or financial disparity./div>