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Saturday, November 11, 2006

NDP meeting legit...

The NDP meeting in Berlin, Fontane building was declared legitimate on Friday by a German court, which based it's decision on the "Gleichbehandlungsgesetz im Parteiengesetz" "Equal Treatment law out of the Party law" then on Saturday the NDP Party meeting was met by strong resistance. The NDP is a right wing party which is seen as a party on the right wing extreme, the party is defined by it's members as nationalistic. Both those things are seen to be clear connections to Nazis, which is one of the most feared issues in German society. Further the line this party takes is strongly against integration of outsiders, the NDP is often seen to be attempting to press issues that let people recall certain memories, for example the NDP's line on the US-Military bases is that they should be closed further they want to abolish Asylum-right which allows Germany to grant sanctuary to people that are not German citizens. The NDP in general takes a line that is seen as a line that is very similar to the line the Nazis took in their early years.
This is why the party meeting this Saturday was accompanied by protesters, which stood in the rain, further with statements such as '"Wir wollen deutlich machen, dass ein ganz überwiegender Teil unserer Gesellschaft Neofaschismus und Neonazis nicht will, schon gar nicht in Berlin"' "We want to make clear, that the dominant part of our society does not want Neo-Fascism and Neo-Nazis, especially not in Berlin" (Walter Momper, SPD)
This statement seems to reflect a strong portion of the German citizens.
NDP has been challenged for many years now and came close to being outlawed, further recent embarrassments lead to a new series of attacks against the party. The party leadership does not think that the Party will disintegrates but rather survive.

Here are the names of the two parties mentioned written out and Translated:
SPD Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschland (Social Democratic Party Germany)
NDP National-Demokratischen Partei Deutschlands (National Democratic Party Germany)

Here is the Article (Yes, again it is in German...)
NPD-Parteitag von Protesten begleitet
In der Trutzburg der Neonazis

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