Violence against women
Violence against women is still a very important issue, Spain's Prime Minister is at the spearhead of the anti-domestic-violence movement in Europe.
A Link to the article concerning this
Europe 'must end domestic abuse' (BBC)
First how is Sexual and Physical violence recognized? Well the following would apply,
Here are some specific forms of Physical Violence. If the woman was ever... by a current or former partner:
-If she was ever slapped, or thrown something at her that could hurt her.
-If she was ever pushed or shoved.
-If she was ever kicked, dragged or beaten.
-If she was ever hit with his fists or something else that could hurt her.
-If she was ever chocked or burned her on purpose.
-If she was ever threatened her with or actually us a gun, knife or other weapon against her.
Here are some specific forms of Sexual Violence. If the woman was her current or former partner:
-If she was ever being physically forced to have sexual intercourse.
-If she had ever sexual intercourse because she was afraid of her partner.
-If she was ever force to do something sexual that she found degrading or humiliating.
(These lists are taken out of the WHO report)
There are also certain age groups that are at especially great risk, which begins with 15 years of age and continues to 19 years. Further violence is more common in areas which do not lie in the 'developed' Japan for example was the country with the smallest number of domestic violence cases. Such things as use of or abuse of Drugs as well as employment status play a great role in this, since men that communicate with their partners tend to be less, violent also if employed and not abusing drugs the man often is more peaceful. Also education seems to have an important role such as higher education plays a great role, if the woman has higher education then High School she is less likely to end up in a negative partnership, since she has more choice, she is also financially less dependent.
The next danger in a partnership is emotional abuse, which research shows, is considered more devastating by women. Here are some specific forms of emotional abuse:
-The woman is being insulted or made to feel bad about oneself.
-The woman is being humiliated or belittled in front of others.
-The woman is being intimidated or scared on purpose (for example a partner yelling and smashing things).
-The woman being threatened with harm(directly or indirectly in the form of a threat to hurt some the respondent cared about).
(This list are taken out of the WHO report)
This form of abuse can be devastating to anyone, it often causes stress reactions, or other health problems that can not be directly recognized. Since there are no physical signs for this kind of abuse.
A related form of abuse is controlling behavior this can vary from not letting the her see friends to wanting to know where she is at all times, further on to ignoring or treating her with indifference, getting angry when she speaks with other men, accusing her of being unfaithful and to controlling her access to Health care.
These actions are all forms of emotional abuse, yet they serve a different purpose, while the emotional abuse makes the man feel stronger or gives him satisfaction. The controlling behavior gives him the feeling of security maybe more power too.
Around the world emotional distress and suicidal behavior are common among women that experienced abuse from their partners. Many women experience partner violence during pregnancy, many of whom for the first time during pregnancy.This can lead to miscarriage which can cause even greater emotional harm to the woman.
What can be done? The society has to be made aware of a issue to be able to respond, further if laws are adjusted to cover this problem area it would allow the police and the government to legally interfere and insure that the violent partner can not harm the abused any longer. In some nations womens rights are still something that is not available to women, this allows for some of the abuse. Support education, if better educated it is possible for the woman to a) know about prevention of pregnancy b) she has the chance to develop a greater understanding of her own abilities c) she would be able to be financially independent. Enlist social, political, religious and other leaders to speak on the issue. Strengthen the informal and formal support for women living with violence thus creating a safe haven for women that are currently living with violence.These are some suggestions, that could allow women to be safer and feel safer.
WHO Multi-country Study on Women’s Health and Domestic Violence against Women
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