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Friday, November 17, 2006

Have questions?

It is most interesting that in todays schools the students are not taught to question but to accept. This in the age of science? Yes, it would seem contradictory that in the age of science in which the scientific method is considered to be the key to 'all' knowledge. Scientific method requires the asking of questions, the examining of all view points concerning the issue that is named and then if there is something that seems incorrect it is questioned. Yet, in schools the (until the end of the High School) students are usually taught to accept the information handed to them, further often if the student asks questions the asking will lead to confrontations between student and teacher this most likely causes stress between the student that questions and the teacher. This stress or tension then degrades the learning environment for the student. Why is that the case? In College and University students are taught to question, why not before this point? Is this situation desirable?

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