Asia and what it's future...?
While the industry in India and China is booming the greater part of the population remains poor. Villages in the Chinese countryside are often very poor, the same applies for many Villages in India. China and India together have 2.4 Billion citizens China having 1.3 Billion of those and India 1.1 Billion. China and India have an ever widening rift between the rich and the poor, which is now beginning to threaten the expansion of their economies and the stability of their societies.
Die Industrie in Indien und China wachsen mit rasanter gschwindigkeit waehrend der groesste teil beider Bevoelkerungen in Armut lebt. 2.4 Milliarden leben in den zwei Laendern, China hat 1.3 Milliarden von diesen und Inien 1.1 Milliarden. Der Unterschied zwischen den Reichen und den Armen wird immmer groesser und das gefaehrdet nun das Wachstum beider Nationen wie aber auch die stabilitaet des Sozialengefueges.
The Links to three articles concerning themselves with this issue is given below, they are all in German.(Sorry, but I was unable to find good articles in English when this article was due to be published.)
Bittere Armut in den chinesischen Dörfern
Global Player im fernen Osten
Für die meisten Inder gibt es keinen Boom
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