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Thursday, November 30, 2006


The US-President George W. Bush, has vowed that US-troops will remain in Iraq until the situation is resolved, and the job is finished. This goes contrary with the wish the Iranian leadership expressed, thus this will likely once more complicate the request for aid, of the US to Iran.
If this move is really helpful to Iraq and the peace in this region can not be said at this point, but there are not signs for reduced violence or peace moving in.

Here are links to articles that cover this event in greater detail
Bush vows to 'complete Iraq job' (BBC)
US vows to finish job in Iraq (Al Jazeera)

Links to related articles
Iran and Iraq (Paladin101)
The US government uses 'the' term now too (Paladin101)
US-Jet down? (Paladin101)

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