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Thursday, August 17, 2006


Wie jeder weiss DVD's haben so genannte Laender-Codes von diesen Codes gibt es sechs, diese sind in Regionen auf geteilt. Europa, Mittlerer Osten, Nord Amerika etc...
Was nun oft missverstanden wird ist das DVD's, VHS Kassetten und Videospiele diese codierung besitzen, Music CD's und PC-Spiele sind unbetroffen weil sie nicht mit dem Fernseher wiedergegeben werden welcher fuer diese Standards Designed wird. Diese Laender-Codes beeinflussen die Bild-rate, ausserdem sind da noch einfache Verschluesselungen die verwendet werden um sicher zu stellen das die Laender-Codes nicht umgangen werden koennen.
Laender-Codes haben an wichtigkeit verloren da sie einfach umgangen werden koennen, mit DVD wiedergabe geraeten die mehrer Laender-Codes wiedergeben koennen oder einfach mit mehreren DVD-Laufwerken in einem PC. Laender-Codes hatten eigentlich nur einen Zweck dieser war die kontrolle der release daten. Wie auch das man nur innerhalb einer bestimmten Region Filme und Videospiele kaufen konnte. Haute zutage ist der Code mehr eine antiquitaet die immer noch verwendet wird, obwohl sie schon lange ueberfluessig geworden ist.


Stuff and Story Time will form now on feature two different languages, both are from Europe one will be English so there is nothing new, but the second language in which from now on some articles are written and/or translated is German.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Computers and their effect on the world...>

The computer industry is the most important industries in the world, this is so because most industries need computers to function as well as do their products. Today's cars would not work without onboard computer systems, the same counts for the air traffic which needs computer assistance to work as it does today, records are kept on computer systems because it is more convenient. Production lines need computers, to control the roboter arms, now we still like to have the illusion that we are the masters of our world. Of course we could pull the plug on all computer systems, but this most certainly would cause great famines as well as shortages in all other areas, to make a long story short our industry would collapse without the computer since the computer control's or is used to as remote controls other tools. In this light shutting down computers seems more like mass-suicide since we would not be able to sustain so many humans without computers any more. Sick and old people, as well as people that are over or under-weight would most certainly be the once that would pay the greatest price not to mention children, since they depend on the industrial products. Basically computers have become the single most important tool in today's world. And we need them more than ever, this trend seems not to slow down but just to accelerate, if you do not believe me just go outside for a day and count how often the computer is necessary for the things you do.

Saturday, August 05, 2006

What is Justice?

Justice is hard to define and it is even harder to define how justice should be achieved some say that it is right to kill in order to do just, some say the best thing to do to help the people that need help as well as to educate them so that differences and hate can be overcome. Now others again say that violence in limits is the key to justice and many drift between the two extremes on the one side war supporters who say 'If you are not with us you are against us!' and on the other extreme are the people that say 'Please all of you stop this senseless fighting and lets talk.'
Now the problem is a) indecision about these two points which of the two is 'better' b) media and politicians often paint war as something that it is not, as the purposeful fight for the good of humankind. War is not just in principal all involved sides usually break the rules of reason most soldiers if they survive continue to suffer under what they have seen and done for the rest of their lives. Now is it necessary to spend so many resources on wars that can not be won?
"War on Terrorism" is in its core principal wrong, you can not siege war on a concept or an idea, you might as well declare 'War on Dreams' because that is to what it boils down. If you finally kill all Al-Quaeda members what then? Does anyone honestly believe that the struggle will end there? The truth that the Al-Quaeda fight for an idea, a dream this is something can't shoot, bomb or eradicate it eventually comes back to the surface, violence at this scale does not help on the long run. It is true someone that kills innoncent people, POW and others that are so called non-combatants should be punished but that counts for the soldiers as for the so called terrorist, since you have to realize that those 'terrorists' do not fight without reason because they are fighting for freedom of something. Their methods only differ in one way from the ones western powers, eastern and all other powers use which is the sophistication of their tools.
So what makes us 'better' than them? The modern war has killed more than terrorism ever did, and remember just or unjust cause is only a question of perspective.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

License to chat...

Chat-rooms as well as Instant messanging has become very popular over the years, now the main issue with that is the anonymity or some might say that the anonymity is the reason for their popularity. Most parents have a problem with their children meeting people online that they do not know, those people could be children of the same age or younger or some teenager or an adult or in the worst case scenario a 'pervert'. A person that wants to take advantage of the child through the anonymity or maybe trick the child into meeting, or what ever this 'pervert' plans on doing. Now a British company has developed a passport system for chat-rooms that can be purchased by them and this license or passport allows others to identify where in general terms you life for example Canada, how old you are, gender and name. This new invention is intended to protect children and young adults or teenagers from exploitations and other dangers that they might encounter through the use of a chat-room. So parents get out your credit card, because this service will not be for free it will cost you about ten pounds a year, of course that is an acceptable price to pay to make sure that your child is not chatting with some queer guys. Both parties that want to chat have to have one of those passports for the scheme to work, because otherwise its entirely worthless and you might as well send the money to someone who needs it, or throw it out of you window it would either way make no difference, even though the person that could buy a meal or two from that money so that might be the better option of the two. The point is that the system does only work if both parties in a chat have this 'NETID'.

Popularity of this system is still a interesting issue since this is a first and no-one has ever tried to marked something like this, it will be released in the following nations: UK, Canada, Australia and the US, it will carry the name 'NETIDME'.
Now the thing with only four nations is that the "NETID' might hit around 400 million give or take some millions of many billion people online, for the people in North America it is good since it hits a good portion of the people in their time-zones but Australia as well the UK could encounter a slight problem with that...since there are many other nations in close to their time-zone(s) which might make it less effective there.