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Sunday, July 30, 2006

Diablo 3?

The shatter about Diablo 3 over the internet has increased over the last half-year, the community is certain that Blizzard is making a the third installment to the Diablo series. Now every thing that may look suspicious is automatically the very thing, all this while Blizzard continues to deny that they are making the third Diablo adventure. The evidence that supposedly proofs that Blizzard has started or will soon start to work on Diablo 3 are the following, programmers and artists being hired by Blizzard that will not be working on WoW, the new resources will bolster the Diablo team, the next piece of evidence is a mysterious e-mail from a musician from the Czech republic that works on freelance basis and supposedly worked together with the same orchestra that made the music for Diablo 2 LOD, he stated in that e-mail that he worked with that orchestra on the music for Diablo 3.
Now the Diablo fans are screaming for Blizzard to admit that they are working on Diablo 3 or at least in the planning stages, but Blizzard just repeats the old statement.


It is most interesting that the human race seems to enjoy war so much. War killed an estimate of 105 million people 62 million of those were civilians and that only between 1900 and 2000. Now in the entire human history, as far as we can track it, there have been only 29 years of peace around the world (Will Durant calculated this), in all the thousends of other years there was always at least one war going on on the planet.
Why is that so?
Is it the human condition to kill others?
First we create differences that justify oppretion, once that is in place we can justify attacking those who are obviosly are less important than we are and thus we can start killing them.
War is used to justify the killing of others which either posses things we want or just to gain total control over the own nation. Maybe even both in some cases.
It is possible to show compassion for others, instead of hatred and voilance, now I can see that some people like the fighting and there is nothing wrong with that as long as they take it out on other people that are like minded and not on others that are innocent and only wish to live in peace.

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Why EA why?

EA or Electronic Arts started a trend that is sad and destructive for the gaming industry, the bug and no support trend. EA games have the habit of often showing bugs that range from the little graphic or physics glitch to the complete restart of the computer. Of course it is sometimes impossible to prevent all, even some major bugs, from escaping the QA (Quality Assurance in which certain player play the game over and over to find bugs).
The problem with games published by EA (not all of them just most of them) is that for one they show more bugs then your average tennis racket holes. The second great problem is denial which looks like this.
Gamer:" I found a bug, please fix it." Now this message is send many times, by many, many different individuals and the answer if any comes looks like this. EA:"THERE IS NO BUG."
Now third problem is that EA releases an average of 1-2 patches per game, these patches fix game balance issues and some graphical issues or physics issues, maybe even some of all three. But not the bugs that make the game crash or the computer restart for that you than will need a new sound or graphic card or maybe something entirely different that I have not thought of...
Now why is it that EA continues to survive even though many of their games a full of horrible bugs?

P.S.: If you buy an EA game you might want to check around on forums if there are many known problems or not, and do not forget some EA games do NOT like onboard sound or graphic cards.

Tuesday, July 25, 2006


Intel has to start preparing for a stormy future, AMD managed to beat the sale numbers presented by Intel earlier this year and now AMD announced the merger with ATI or rather that they bought ATI. AMD has officially moved up from the harmless little company on the other side of the ocean to being a serious competetor to Intel. Intel's control over the PC market is dwindeling due to the loss of market share in the computer and gaming industry. Even the deal with apple can't save Intel from the wrath of the wallet.
Intel's prize politic has always been unfair to the single costumer who wants to upgrade or build their own system. This and the better benchmark results AMD CPU's get in gaming, MP3 decoding and of course on digital photography. Admittedly those better results are generally achieved on Windows and Linux systems and not Apple which does not offer an AMD based system.
But gamers have for the greater part (to my knowledge) chosen AMD CPU's for years and if it only was the prize that convinced them. AMD has announced that they intend to provide a good onboard graphics sollution in the future, so that people that do not want to spent 600$ for a good graphics card can just by a 300$ Mainboard. (the prize for the Mainboard is made up).