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Thursday, December 07, 2006

A Mars with flowing water?

The National Space Agency or NASA has been looking for flowing water on Mars because that would make the Colonizing or creation of an outpost easier. In the past years it was understood that there was water on the Mars but that this water was in a frozen state due to the low temperatures on the Mars. The NASA has continued to monitor Mars to gather general information concerning the planet. Recent pictures of a crater on Mars show a surprising picture which shows a crater with a small amount of frozen water there, water which had not been there in 1999. This brings an old question once more, which is there life on Mars since if there is a flow of water it is likely that there would be some sort of life form on the Mars. Further flowing water would make colonization and/or an outpost a great deal easier.
Colonization and an outpost differ in the following ways a colony is a collection of civilians living in a new territory claimed by a certain group while and outpost is a military and/or scientific installation which usually is rotated with other crews in a certain cycle which means that they a) do not live there and b)are being payed to sit there or make certain experiments but not produce anything.

Relevant articles to this issue
'Flowing water' found on Mars (Al Jazeera)
The first Space colony? (Paladin101)

And here is a link to Google Mars (Google)

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