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Monday, December 11, 2006


Now Israel is facing two great conflicts, the conflict with the Palestinians and the brewing conflict with Iran over whether or or not the Holocaust actually took place. In the latter conflict Israel has the support of European countries as well as other countries around the globe.
The Conflict with Palestine has been wearing on for many years now and claimed even more lives. Many countries have spoken against this conflict and that Israel 'would not be doing enough to settle the conflict' and some even suspect that Israel's ambitions could be compared to those of Austria in 1914 when Austria tried to destroy Serbia to get rid of a threat. If any of those allegations are correct is hard to say since the conflict has been wearing on for many years. Recently South African Nobel laureate Desmond Tutu wanted to shed some light into this issue by starting a 'fact' finding search in Israel as to why the conflict with Palestine began. Israel declined his request, which does put Israel in a disadvantageous position in International relations. Further the UN has been criticizing the Israeli human rights abuses by shelling the Gaza Strip.

Articles relating to this event:
Israel 'blocks Tutu Gaza mission' (BBC)
Israel 'turns down' Tutu mission (Al Jazeera)

Further the conference in Iran concerning the Holocaust or rather it's concern with the non-existence of it. Has caused great concern and many have spoken out against the conference as well as questioned how anyone could ever question that event. Which cost millions of lives which further was also well documented. The survivors which were able to tell the tales where then once more support the events actual occurrence further one has to remember that the facilities speak for them self. Labor and concentration camps by the way they were constructed clearly speak for them self. This then again begs the question why would anyone doubt the events actual occurrence. The participants of this conference are among others people that have been convicted for certain related crimes in France and Germany.
Here is a link to another article
Iran defends Holocaust conference (BBC)

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