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Saturday, October 06, 2007


Blizzard has now released the always popular fan-site kit. These kits as popular as they have become make it simpler to advertise once new game for free on fan-sites.
This one by Blizzard includes.
Artworks (One example of the 12 artworks included.

A number of Avatar pics.(Protoss example)

Several Battle.Net,Blizzard and ST2 logos.

A insider Interview. (First paragraph)
Insider Interview
The Making of the StarCraft II Cinematic Teaser
The Insider recently sat down with Nick Carpenter, Blizzard's cinematic creative director, for a behind-the-scenes look at the StarCraft II cinematic teaser recently released at the Worldwide Invitational, as well as to discuss the challenges involved with continuing the single-player storyline from the original game...
Eleven Screenshots (one example again)

Several Unit renderings, Humans and protoss only though at this point. (Two examples of several for each of the races.

Three Wallpapers (one example).

Some basic forms for website builds.

These 'extras' are basically some information which in fact really is more efficiently presented on the ST2 Website which does not mean that fans shouldn't want to make such sites yet in the for the person wanting to read and see about ST2 should rather visit the official website and forum instead off trying to go through fan sides since those are unlikely to be as well presented as the ST2 Homepage.

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