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Monday, April 30, 2007

Food, OH! Glorious Food!

Yes, I stole that quote from the movie 'Demolition Man'.
Now the Grey whale population has been recovering over the last decades and seemed to be doing quite well. But during this winter the Grey Whales arriving in their breeding ground in Mexico seem to be malnourished. The scientist seem to be unable to explain the reason completely. What is known is that warm weather means less oxygen in the water and less oxygen means less food in the water. This means that the Grey whales would have a harder time to find food in sufficient amounts to still their hunger.
The current whale population is greater then ever recorded before and that means that more whales have to feed on less food.
This can be seen as a warning sign scientists warn since this could be simply the precursor to the entire Pacific food-chain and variety of species. How these changes will come and what the effect of those changes would be can only be speculated at this point yet it is certain that the change is likely to be drastic and is even more likely not to be confined to the Pacific alone.

Relevant Article:
Pacific whale decline 'a mystery' (BBC)

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