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Sunday, July 30, 2006


It is most interesting that the human race seems to enjoy war so much. War killed an estimate of 105 million people 62 million of those were civilians and that only between 1900 and 2000. Now in the entire human history, as far as we can track it, there have been only 29 years of peace around the world (Will Durant calculated this), in all the thousends of other years there was always at least one war going on on the planet.
Why is that so?
Is it the human condition to kill others?
First we create differences that justify oppretion, once that is in place we can justify attacking those who are obviosly are less important than we are and thus we can start killing them.
War is used to justify the killing of others which either posses things we want or just to gain total control over the own nation. Maybe even both in some cases.
It is possible to show compassion for others, instead of hatred and voilance, now I can see that some people like the fighting and there is nothing wrong with that as long as they take it out on other people that are like minded and not on others that are innocent and only wish to live in peace.

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