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Friday, January 27, 2006

Corporate citzens

The corporate citizen

The corporation had no future or power until the late 1800's, it was instituted for a limited time, meaning when the job was done the corporation was as well done. The corporation could be revoked at once if it violated a law. Corporations could only engage activities that were necessary to full fill the chartered purpose (a job for example building a bridge.)
Corporations could not own anything, owners and managers were responsible for any illegal act committed by the corporation. Corporations could not spend their money to influence law-making.
The corporation used the 14th amendment of the American constitution to gain power which had only 15 black persons while serving 135 corporations, now this amendment serves as nothing but a shield for the corporations.
The 14th amendment had been created to protect ex-slaves that needed help, it as granted the colored population more rights. Lawyers used this very amendment on corporations and made corporations more then just a group of people working for a temporary goal, but a legal person. This legal person has all the rights a human has in America but not one of the obligations a human has.
One of these obligations would be obedience to the law, something many corporations especially the big ones ignore.
A very good example would be Coca Cola a corporation that has the image of the nice old serving a good, sweet drink. The actual face of Coca Cola is a very different one, Coca Cola has committed the following acts: Between 1989 and 2002 eight union leaders from Coca Cola owned bottling plants in Columbia have been killed after protesting against the conditions in these plants. Coca Cola workers that joined the Columbian union SINALTRAINAL have been kidnapped, tortured, and detained by paramilitaries. In Turkey 14 Truck drivers and their families were beaten severely by the Turkish police hired by Coca Cola. In India were 1.5 million liters of deep well water bottled and then sold under the names Dasani and Bonaqua. The ground water was severely depleted by this and the result were water shortages in thousands of communities as well as destruction of agricultural activities. The rest of the water was contaminated with chloride and bacterias leading to more health problems. The last thing they did in India was the reselling of industrial waste to farmers as fertilizer this waste contained lead and cadmium destroying more water reserves.
Coca Cola and corporations that act similar do not just kill people that are in their way but do anything to gain the extra cent and if it takes murder then so be it.
Another very different criminal would be Chevron a gas supplier, this corporation left 600 hundred unlined oil pits in the pristine northern area of the rain Amazon rainforest and dumped 18 billion gallons of toxic production water into rivers used as bathing water. The toxic crude oil and production water contaminated freshwater and farmland rendering both useless and deadly.
Results were the following health problems the locals would experience: which were cancer, skin lesions, birth defects, and spontaneous abortions.
Now the first thought is 'Yes, well they are doing these things but only in poor countries.'
This not quiet so Chevron, is responsible for widespread health problems in Richmond, California
these are caused by one of Chevrons biggest refineries, the health problems caused are: lupus, skin rashes, rheumatic fever, liver problems, kidney problems, tumors, asthma, and eye problems.
Now these health problems are caused by something called environmental destruction, these will spread and cause more and more damage as well as affect the health of humans as well as animals and plants. On the entire planet.
Coca Cola creates deserts while Chevron does a great job at producing wasteland.
These two corporations are doing good jobs at PR as well and thus are not publicly known as murderers or land destroyers. There are corporations that do some good and try to preserve what little we have left of our environment Three bigger ones would be Hewlett-Packard, Xerox and General Mills their products are good quality that is not produced with exploitations or destruction of habitats.
Corporations are not 'evil' they can do good but they have to be willing to do so. Some Corporations will not change as long as there are people buying from someone raping and killing our planet.

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