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Monday, July 28, 2008

Vegatrainism an excercise...

Vegetarianism and Veganism seems to be really a futile exercise in ignorance and/or hypocrisy. Now let me explain, Vegans and Vegetarians say that it is bad to eat animals for reasons of how they are kept before being eaten and of course the eating itself. Now Vegans go so far as to not even eat animal products whats how ever without realizing that is nearly impossible.
Firstly the keeping, the keeping is not only to make the feeding/milking and subsequent slaughter easier but also it allows direct access to by-products for example cows provide a great deal of shit which is used to fertilize fields. This accounts for most animals of great seize which are kept in closed quarters.
Of course the Vegetarian extremists the Vegan is a contradiction on two legs, they don't eat anything stemming from animals, almost no sweets...well most of those apply to the Vegetarians to because many gummies as well as some chocolates are made with animal tissues. Now they don't eat honey, eggs or milk. How is that an issue? Well, honey comes from bees as is commonly known but they do not only produce honey they also pollinate fruit farms in the process allowing them to grow apples, oranges etc. As a matter of fact all farms that grow something that needs to pollinated need a great number of bees to insure quick pollination. The kind of numbers you could only achieve with the help of bee farms. So in keeping with not eating honey they also shouldn't eat any food pollinated by those bees in captivity. The same of course accounts for all farms which once or more a year fertilize with animal excrement's, but this would apply again to all Vegetarians.
Overall the fact is that in today's food production the elements are interdependent, and you can barely eat any food if you were really serious about not being cruel to animals or insects...this brings me to a last point. Almost all farms use barriers and several chemicals to protect their crops this harms animals nearby who get caught in the netting's of fruit farms or who simply inhale or eat food covered with the named chemicals which would mean that you can't eat good 99% of crops grown either...
So how does this track with being against animal cruelty, or protecting animals in the end all they do is not eating them harming or even killing them all the same though.

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