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Sunday, June 29, 2008


Today what do we do as first order of the day? We align ourselves with something, a brand or idea maybe some stars/starlets on the way? We do not develop our own ideas we simply assimilate the ideas which we are confronted with since who would want to be different being different in a herd society is bad after all. We want to know what the stars do since our own lives are not exiting enough. We follow stars and starlets we want to know all their secrets today its almost normal to know everything about those whom you are a fan off. Then again the origin of the word Fan comes from Fanatic the Fanatic could also be called extremist. Now then why do we life in a world were extremism is all that we know? If religious, political, economic or simply listening to music. We consume not only the art we consume the artist we consume everything if alive or dead as long as it entertains and as long as it feeds that hunger that can never be satisfied the need to belong to a group. A group that consists only because of an obsession with something or other but why is that so? Why does the human need to create these extreme groups which inevitably cause friction with other groups. Soccer and music Fans are great examples and they often enough cause riots. They will fight with the other side's fans just because they do not share they view of which team is better. But why have things that trivial become that central to our world. Now of course some will say religion is more important then a sport but realistically they are on equal footing they respective fans are willing to fight and even kill those who do not share their view.
Could it be that today we are unable to actually see a true difference between people so we align ourselves along more and more artificial lines. Lines based on anything to create a new herd to belong to something to be with something to be part off if its the fan club for some star or that for some religion is entirely unimportant as long as we do so right? Why not fight each other on some other ridiculous ground? Since as long as our life focus on something on anything really as long as that is center is provided everything is alright...isn't?

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