German education is known for many things, but not friendly teachers or students enjoying them-self. Most German students are already haunted by 'School-Fear' (Schulangst) which if the fear is great enough leads to extensive absenteeism as well as sicknesses caused by the mind to allow the student to miss school.
Germany now wants to emplace new laws, which according to School psychologists are causing more problems to students at an even younger age thus intensifying the effects of as well as 'School-Fear' itself. The students are already beginning to feel the pressure at grade three when they have to begin to achieve good grades to get a good 'suggestion' from the elementary school for the type off Secondary school to which the student would 'fit' the 'best'.
Now those 'suggestions' are in reality far more if they Suggest a Gymnasium that is where the student is likely to go.
There are Three fundamental types of Secondary schools in Germany.
The highest is the Gymnasium which if completed at Grade 13 allows the student to go to University.
The second Highest is the 'Realschule' this school focuses on lower education goals in theoretical areas and teachers more practical information. Students can if they complete the elementary school very successful continue on a Gymnasium but they are likely to gave a hard time since the Gymnasium has a far harder educational pace. (Most trades want at least the normal 'Realschule' degree.)
The last and lowest one is the 'Hauptschule' from which the student only learns rudimentary information and can if completed there most likely only work in very practical professions.
Thus forcing the elementary school student to deal with this pressure which could dictate the rest of his life and at the very least will influence it. Leads to enormous fear of school and teachers, this can be seen in North America too but not nearly to the same extend. Since the students face a gradual pressure increase.
If this fear is then intensified with the help of more pressure even earlier in the educational carrier of the student (Grade 1 or 2) or the amount of pressure increased it could cause serious problems for Germany's students and for Germany's future generations.
Relevant Artilce. (German)
Grundschule macht Angst (KSTA)
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