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Sunday, January 21, 2007


Sometimes the problem that occurs to me is that even though that I write on current events which ones actually matter enough? Airbus has fixed the wiring bug, the problem is that this seems fairly mundane compared with the wars going on in Iraq, Afghanistan and Africa. Which ones of those are more important? Are there any that can be called more important? Most of the more recent news seem to focus around the little world of the westerners who in their comfort are suffering great crises such as the E-ON (German) trying to take over the Spanish energy giant Endesa. Political problems...and of course the lack of political activism in the younger generations.
While else where people are starving or dying of the lack of medical care. Most westerners life in a fairly safe world and still are afraid...of what? The greatest part of the resources which the western world has available goes to a certain few, 10% of the worlds population owns 90% of the worlds riches. Instead of drawing the line at one point we accept consumerism and capitalism in their full beauty and gather more and more things that we do not need. The house with more then 4 bedrooms for a small family or only a couple, the car park while you can only use one vehicle at a time. Why would anyone need more then one TV or more then one PC? Is there a need to own all forms of entertainment?
To protect our markets we rather destroy products instead of sending the excess to people in need. Westerners have everything and more while others have less or nothing is that the world we wanted to built?
The focus is centered around things that might affect the western style of life; Lack of oil? No problem we can invade! If we destroy the world for everyone in the process is something that only appears on the sidelines.
Is there a point at which we stop and ask ourselves :"Is this what I want and need? Or is that something I can really life without." Or will we just continue as we have until now without regard for anything else but our comfort.

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