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Monday, January 29, 2007

Coal? No thanks!

Germany has subsidized coal mining for many years now to protect jobs that otherwise would be lost. This program to protect those jobs is now to be down-scaled until it then eventually is to disappear, which is expected to take place in 2018. This step is taken for two reasons for one it will decrease the production of fossil fuels and make it easier for Germany to comply with the EU standard norms. Also this subsidiary system put a great strain on Germany's budget in the form of 2.5bn Euro it can be argued however that maintaining a inefficient production is cheaper then to force thousands out of jobs which would mean that a number of those who lost their jobs will be likely to life off welfare. Also they are less likely to spend money since the amount available is smaller.
If this decision is a good one or not time will show, however this plan is to be checked in 2012, and only if the commission then decides that this plan is good for Germany, will the plan be concluded.

Relevant articles
German plan to close coal mines (BBC)
2018 ist Schicht im Schacht (KSTA)

Saturday, January 27, 2007

How to punish a naughty Dictator...

The US has now finally found the punishment that they want to impose upon North Korea, this punishment is supposed to punish the North Korea for the Nuclear weapons test last year. This punishment is a ban on certain products, such as fine wines, Ipods and fast cars. This punishment could easily destabilize the North Korean government while it is supposed to warn North Korea of further weapons tests without consulting the other countries or respecting their wishes. This also is intended to make North Korea aware of the fact that even though that North Korea wants to be independent that they are in fact a country that is very dependent on imports. Thus leaving a great deal of power over it in the hands of the exporting countries. The effects of this might be that it positions the North Korean government in a corner from which they feel that only a more aggressive approach would help. Many countries think that the only way to be accepted in international politics is being seen as a strong country, a country that can win a war against other countries. That the only thing that other countries respect is strength and power.

Related articles
Cognac and iPod ban for N Korea (BBC)

Friday, January 26, 2007


The ray-gun is essentially nothing but a upgraded microwave emitter that can be adjusted. This weapon is currently defined as a 'Non-Lethal' Weapon and is to be used in crowd control. This of course is curious since the Microwave emitter could have many side-effect, which are not known at this point but nonetheless this weapon is now facing fielding. The problem is that if this emitter is upgraded a bit it easily can become an offensive and very lethal weapon.
Here is some more background information...
1 360-degree operation for maximum effect
Antenna, linked to transmitter unit, can be mounted on vehicle
Automatic target tracking
2 Antenna sealed against dust and can withstand bullet fire
3 Invisible beam of millimeter-wave energy can travel over 500m
4 Heat energy up to 54C (130F) penetrates less than 0.5mm of skin
Manufacturers say this avoids injury, although long-term effects are not known

Relating article.
How hot is the heat-ray gun? (BBC)

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Safer? Never!

The internet is not overly safe, this is more true then ever today now that Hackers have built up a share information further the law still has not caught up with this problem and this allows for a the hackers to rampage. Also today's hackers usually focus on the internet because that allows for more money then it does attacking a single system. Those thieves do not have to fear anyone but each other and trust does not go along way among them, but that in the worst case scenario means a loss of several thousand a month. But since the hackers still make more then enough money that does not matter to them, of course that annoys them to lose that kind of money. Yet, since the governments can not do anything, such as suing or imprisoning hackers.
The problem is a) tracing is not easy almost impossible and b) even if hackers are located that does not guarantee that the hacker has to face legal actions since the problem is the lack of evidence most often accompanied with these crimes.

How can normal home-user protect themselves against those attacks?
Well first the user should keep the computer updated, using a current browser is the first step into that direction, those would currently be Firefox 2.0 or Internet Explorer7 while I would suggest using Firefox, IE7 is a good browser too.
Further using good Anti-Spyware programs and keep them updated, of these one can use more then one I for one use all of the ones listed here (they are also free of charge), Spybot Search&Destroy, Windows Defender (I only started using this recently but must say it has worked reliably until now), Adaware Personal edition.
Now after these programs comes the Anti-Virus which has a wide variety I offer three different ones here that have good names but there are many more, Avast Home edition(this one is free), Norton 2007, NOD32, the latter two both charge money.
Next would be a software firewall, (the integrated one for XP is not good), Zonealarm, Comodo and Norton Firewall(This one costs money).
All of these are good software programs, and further all of the different kinds should be used, Anti-Spyware, Anti-Virus, Firewall and New Browser all of these should also be kept up to date. Since otherwise they are not effective, if you use a high speed connection you should scan at least every 5-7 days with slower connections it is still suggested but not as important since the slower systems are more likely to be left alone.

One Interesting bit of information many of the new hackers come from Romania, and they are accepted to be the best or among the best in the world.

Relevant article:
Tackling the hackers face-to-face (BBC)
Cyber criminals move focus to web (BBC)

Monday, January 22, 2007

Problems everywhere...

Microsoft is defending the Digital rights Management system that is integrated with Vista, while the Russians protest against the expansion of the Rocket shield to Poland and the Czech Republic. Because that shield would clearly threaten Russia's safety or so Russian military leaders state. The EU is adjusting it laws for online sales, to insure a fairer trade online in Europe, some of the smaller companies state that this could endanger their income and threaten their existence. In China the tiger is at the brink of extinction due to the enormous recent growth in China, living space for the tiger has become a rarity. Also a rock band in Australia has banned its fans from bringing national flags because they fear that those could cause racial clashes and violence might ensue, instead it caused a long row over the right to carry a flag in Australia. While in the German NRW (a part of Germany) a storm caused tremendous damage it had been the worst storm in 40 years in Germany. The damage is enormous in museums, stores, pants and homes. Now the female RAF Terrorist Brigitte Mohnhaupt might be released at the age of 57, the RAF is a left extreme group which connected itself with the Soviet Union bey calling themselves RAF or Red Army Faction. At the South coast of Britain a Tanker is sinking which is likely to cause enormous environmental damage.

The questions one has to ask once reading all those events (only a small selection is shown here) is it hopeless? Did the world always face so many problems at the same time? Are we causing many of these problems? If so what can we do?

The list of articles used...
Vista copy protection is defended (BBC)
EU laws 'will hit online trade' (BBC)
Missile shield 'threatens Russia' (BBC)
China's tigers pushed to the brink (Al Jazeera)
Flag row rocks Australia concert (Al Jazeera)
Mosaik hat zahlreiche Schäden (KSTA)
RAF-Terroristin bald auf freiem Fuß? (KSTA)

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Child's Play...

I forgot to post this earlier...sorry...

Child's Play 2006 is over and the contributions reached a new high, Child's play is supporting children hospitals in five countries with the donations.
Lets see how next time goes...n_n

Child's play Homepage


Sometimes the problem that occurs to me is that even though that I write on current events which ones actually matter enough? Airbus has fixed the wiring bug, the problem is that this seems fairly mundane compared with the wars going on in Iraq, Afghanistan and Africa. Which ones of those are more important? Are there any that can be called more important? Most of the more recent news seem to focus around the little world of the westerners who in their comfort are suffering great crises such as the E-ON (German) trying to take over the Spanish energy giant Endesa. Political problems...and of course the lack of political activism in the younger generations.
While else where people are starving or dying of the lack of medical care. Most westerners life in a fairly safe world and still are afraid...of what? The greatest part of the resources which the western world has available goes to a certain few, 10% of the worlds population owns 90% of the worlds riches. Instead of drawing the line at one point we accept consumerism and capitalism in their full beauty and gather more and more things that we do not need. The house with more then 4 bedrooms for a small family or only a couple, the car park while you can only use one vehicle at a time. Why would anyone need more then one TV or more then one PC? Is there a need to own all forms of entertainment?
To protect our markets we rather destroy products instead of sending the excess to people in need. Westerners have everything and more while others have less or nothing is that the world we wanted to built?
The focus is centered around things that might affect the western style of life; Lack of oil? No problem we can invade! If we destroy the world for everyone in the process is something that only appears on the sidelines.
Is there a point at which we stop and ask ourselves :"Is this what I want and need? Or is that something I can really life without." Or will we just continue as we have until now without regard for anything else but our comfort.

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Weather and Hillary...

Hillary Clinton is now running for US president and declares that she is " to win!" This would make her the first first Lady to seek the Presidents office. Further she blames the Bush Administration for the loss of position in international position of the US and declares that she plans on recovering this loss.
This is a very aggressive move on Hillary's side, and until now there has not been a elected female US President, this could indicate a shift in the political world of the US and also of the US policies.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Open Source and Europe

A report funded by the European Commission states that switching to open source software would be cheaper then buying software packages such as Windows or Mac OS. Since open source due to its flexibility allows anyone to add to the software available it allows for a high rate of growth. The main problem would be that since the only open source OS is Linux that personal would have to be trained on this new and different OS which could mean slightly higher costs in the short term. This is the first time that a government agency has positioned itself on the side of the open source software in such a manner. This also is the first time that a government made the suggestion of using open source to the private sector.
The flexibility underlying open source especially gains importance with Vista on the market and the only other alternative being Mac OS and Linux.

Open source gets European boost (BBC)

Tuesday, January 16, 2007


Now many have heard of the criticism against violent material, Germany has had laws in place for many years now which enabled the government to outlaw movies and/or games that were considered to contain an excessive amount of violence or deemed to be propaganda. This system has only shown limited success this is explained with the rest of the EU not having joined into this program while the borders are open. Thus students could travel into Britain and obtain a game or movie outlawed in Germany and bring this game with them when coming back without the fear or risk of being detected. Now as many as 27 other countries want to help to create a program that can involve more of the EU or even the EU entirely. This is then allows a more effective protection of the youth. If those measures will life up to the hopes will be seen but it certainly does put pressure on the companies to keep their games less violent and the same counts for the Movie makers.

Monday, January 15, 2007

Consumerism...and my answer to it...

I' am one of those who argue against consumerism, and often am misunderstand due to that. Many think that by saying 'No' to consumerism I say 'No' to buying anything, now that is incorrect. Consumerism is not buying what you need but rather buying continuesly and mainly things you do not need. For example if you have a cellphone you can use that for many, many years instead most people buy a new one very often beyond that buying a cellphone is most often not even necessary. What I' am saying or intend to say is that you only need so much we do not need, I do not object to the occasional luxury I' am to much of an realist to expect us to go back to rocks and caves. Yet I do hope that it is possible for humans to life in a more coexisting manner which allows which does not everything to be destroyed or to have to get out of our or else be destroyed.
Other cultures have managed to do so, thus meaning that we can coexist if we only accept limits of our environment. Now this does take effort but is not impossible.

Friday, January 12, 2007


German education is known for many things, but not friendly teachers or students enjoying them-self. Most German students are already haunted by 'School-Fear' (Schulangst) which if the fear is great enough leads to extensive absenteeism as well as sicknesses caused by the mind to allow the student to miss school.
Germany now wants to emplace new laws, which according to School psychologists are causing more problems to students at an even younger age thus intensifying the effects of as well as 'School-Fear' itself. The students are already beginning to feel the pressure at grade three when they have to begin to achieve good grades to get a good 'suggestion' from the elementary school for the type off Secondary school to which the student would 'fit' the 'best'.
Now those 'suggestions' are in reality far more if they Suggest a Gymnasium that is where the student is likely to go.
There are Three fundamental types of Secondary schools in Germany.
The highest is the Gymnasium which if completed at Grade 13 allows the student to go to University.
The second Highest is the 'Realschule' this school focuses on lower education goals in theoretical areas and teachers more practical information. Students can if they complete the elementary school very successful continue on a Gymnasium but they are likely to gave a hard time since the Gymnasium has a far harder educational pace. (Most trades want at least the normal 'Realschule' degree.)
The last and lowest one is the 'Hauptschule' from which the student only learns rudimentary information and can if completed there most likely only work in very practical professions.
Thus forcing the elementary school student to deal with this pressure which could dictate the rest of his life and at the very least will influence it. Leads to enormous fear of school and teachers, this can be seen in North America too but not nearly to the same extend. Since the students face a gradual pressure increase.
If this fear is then intensified with the help of more pressure even earlier in the educational carrier of the student (Grade 1 or 2) or the amount of pressure increased it could cause serious problems for Germany's students and for Germany's future generations.

Relevant Artilce. (German)
Grundschule macht Angst (KSTA)

Thursday, January 11, 2007

US and Iraq...

Candolane Rice has sided with Bush once more, Bush the President of the US has now purposed to sent another 21500 troops into Iraq. This proposal drew instantly fire from both sides of the Congress, the Democrats as well as the Republicans have opposed this.
While the President of the US is proposing to sent more troops into Iraq another controversy began in Iraq, the raiding of a Building which the Iranian government states to have been the Iranian consulate was raided by US troops. In the process several computers, files and four staff members were taken by the US troops into custody. The Iranian government appears to have sent a letter to the Iraqi Foreign Minister in which they demand the immediate release of the prisoners.
This development also seems to be the first sign of an even more direct and aggressive strategy. Which clearly does not take international relations into considerations, or only to a limited extend.

Relevant Artilces
US storms 'Iran consulate' in Arbil (Al Jazeera)
Rice applauds Bush Iraq plan (Al Jazeera)
US Iraq raid draws Iranian anger (BBC)

Wednesday, January 10, 2007


The 100$ laptop is now finally entering its final development phase, the Development of this Laptop is leading the advance of an ambitious project which is aimed at making computer Technology and the Internet available to anyone anywhere. For people in Western nations which...can afford it can also take part in the buy 2 get 1 project with which the project employees want to support the ones that can not afford to spend a hundred dollars on a Laptop to educate their children. This means that someone who can afford it buys one Laptop but pays for two, the second Laptop is then made available to someone who otherwise would not be able to provide this educational tool for their child.
100$ Laptop program is a program that aims at providing education on computers and the internet to everyone. Thus allowing the children that otherwise would not have a future one. The only hope for many would be any education to be able to work in certain environments. This program is one of the more ambitious programs against poverty and for self-help.

Relating article:
$100 laptop could sell to public (BBC)

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Did it help?

Saddam Hussein was hanged on the 30th of December '06, the question that has plagued many concerns not simply that he was executed but also that it appears to have worsened the conditions in Iraq.
Saddam Hussein's death became predictable during his trial, during which the judges were exchanged if to sympathetic. Further a more important question was not addressed in fact it was mostly ignored. What does it mean for us as human beings if we start killing people to atone for deaths? Can one death really atone for other deaths or is that simply revenge which only hurts any peace?
The argument for Hussein's death sentence was that he committed crimes against humanity and for that he would have to die. It is doubtful that the families of the dead really feel any better now that Saddam is dead further such a death made him for certain circles a martyr. Also is it not a crime against humanity to kill someone, and as such wouldn't the hanging of Saddam be a crime against humanity.
It is undeniable that he did bad things and had to be punished but would life imprisonment not be better? Then again there is of course the group that argues that life imprisonment is even less humane then killing someone as punishment since that person then would literally have to rod away in cell instead of being allowed to depart this person would have to wait for many many years to be death.
But can killing another being be justified not considering the possible crime that could have been committed, can we truly justify killing anyone?
The going theory was that two things would happen in Iraq after the hanging of Hussein, one was that the people would stop rebelling and would become 'good law-abiding subject' or the other was that they would see Hussein as martyr and for that would become very unsettled and begin a more extensive campaign against the 'western aggressor'. Until now neither has really taken place, the situation in Iraq seems to have remained in a state of civil war which did not escalade any further. But then again that war seem to be far from over.

Monday, January 08, 2007

YES, it kills germs too!!!

Now Gene-technology is more and more affecting our daily lives, Genetically manipulated food and animals. The glowing pig, the cloned sheep, the crop that does not fail easily and produces more then any other crop etc. Now until this usually ended with humans we have, until now at least. Humans always were considered taboo because...well lets face it we think that we are pretty special. Recently a new genetic development has reached its animal test phase...(other animals are more losable then human animals)...this new genetic technology is new skin. This new skin then would be transplanted onto burn victims which need new skin. Now the difference between this new skin and 'normal' human skin is that it kills bacterias more efficiently thus making infections less likely. Now this, if it works as promised, would make the recovery from heavy burn wounds a great deal easier for patient and staff.
But is it really that good of an idea to start with playing with human DNA?

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Back...GO BACK I SAID!!!

Yes, it is once more the time after holidays when the teenagers and children have to go back to the school and/or college/university. Now of course the children and teenagers are very happy about that. They anticipate with great hope the dawn of the day when they once more are to face their teachers. Of course the students have different ways of dealing with these traumatic events that follow in that very same week. Some dream of doing something entirely different then sitting in the class-room while doing just that. Others again try to escape with the aid of sickness and poor health then of course some others simply endure the ordeal knowing that it will be over eventually. The parents celebrate that the children are finally away for more time of the day and thus allowing them to recover from the stress off the holiday past. The teacher are in general without opinion on the issue for one yes, the time in school justifies their health plan and their pay but on the other hand they can no longer relax as the have done over the holiday. Of course there is the little problem of having to face children and teenagers which are most often by grade six or so mainstreamed sufficiently to accept the status of the teacher as god, or rather as infallible tyrant. But why is such a system necessary? Well thanks to the human intellect and the ability to think very differently then any other life-form on the planet we managed to create an artificial world or environment which makes it necessary to teach the children to some degree of course 10-20 years might be considered a little long but then again. This will limit the rate with which new worker can come onto the market allowing the old ones to develop new and amazing sicknesses and disabilities which prohibit them from working or they might simply die. Now of course that can not be the entire reason for such an elaborate system, and of course it is not, the system also allows to mainstream the main part of the population which is a very useful feature further it keeps the little rascals occupied from doing anything they should not thinking or having fun.

Friday, January 05, 2007

What has changed?

I have not written for nearly a month, but what has changed in that time?
Christmas is past and the New Year rushed in to fill the void the last year had left. Politically the situation seems to escalete further and further since the I wrote the last time, the British government is still investigating the death of the Spy, who supposedly was killed by the Russian government. The US Government reforms the military leadership in Iraq but still intends to stay. In Germany the population and government try to fight the Gas prizing used by certain Gas suppliers which again has been a problem for quite some time. Now the costumers have begun to cut the prizes for the Gas supplier since this seems to be the only solution. The US also warned North Korea that further tests would lead to a response of the US and allied nations. The US leadership staff is still being replaced in the hope that that will solve the problems the administration has been mounting up over the last years.

There good news though, for example we have found a black hole in the Globular Cluster. Many astronomers had doubted that a black hole could exist in such a place.

On the other hand if a Black Hole becomes the good news something must be wrong with the world and/or the current state of affairs. Since the Black hole even though that we are un-affected is still a very very destructive force.