Yeah...well...the un-geek you know?
Let me start off by saying that this is a rant and not an article. As the Label says, just to clarify...this way I might get fewer e-Mails.
So now I recently was told that I' am geeky now that was not told me because of my appearance but rather because of what I said -_-. So now I recently a good number conversations in which the following words or combination of words appeared. "LAN-Party, IP, HD, CPU, Sci-Fi related quotes and references that were not understood, e-Journal, Blog and many other similar things." Now why am I telling this? Well simple those things were often answered with unknowing, blank stares or some also came up with nice, very interesting new meanings to those abbreviations. For example "IP? Oh right that is that new license plate" Yes, I was laughing quite hard after hearing that. Now I realized that I have to address this issue with some form of response. Which is I will define people that do not know what the hell I' am talking about as 'un-geeky' now being an 'un-geek' is not a positive thing as matter of fact it is bad,...very bad. The 'un-geek' is the opposite of the geek they are often the once screaming that you have to fix their PC because it does not start and their papers are due tomorrow. When you then finally ripped yourself loose from the screen and are already annoyed by having to leave the game that was just running so well or the code where you finally had found the error until this 'un-geek' appeared and screamed into your ears that you have to fix their PC. Of course you will spend the next several hours finding that error again...-_-. Then when you finally find the PC and try to start it...and indeed it does not start. Then more out of routine then actual believe you check the power connection and what do you notice? Well interestingly enough the power cable is not plugged in, and since a PC needs electricity to function it could logically not start. That is what an 'un-geek' would do now of course I might be a little judgmental here since I really am a...geek. (u_u sniff.) Now we have to consider that there are some studies that do tell us that Geeks are better parents, why? Because they keep their children up to date on new developments and confront them with new technology with which the children learn to deal with at a young age which then makes it easier for them to deal with technology en-mass. Like it becomes more and more today. Now that I have said my bit I want to point out that Geeks are the really cool the 'un-geek' is simply not. n_n
I know most of you people are now looking at this last sentence with shock widened eyes, similar to this O_O and saying 'This guy is not just a geek he is also crazy...crazy I tell you' and you are free to think that since who is to say what sanity is anyhow? n_n
P.S. I have a feeling that either I will get no responses and people will stop visiting this Blog after that article or they might come back to see what 'crazy' stuff I say the next time or they might flood me with e-mails. Now at this point I would like to say that this Blog has a Forum and a comment option as well and you are welcome to use either or both...n_n.
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