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Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Who owns the world?

Supporters of the Capitalistic principles over the Socialistic and/or communistic ones always promote the freedom of choice that it possible to work your way out of being poor. Now this might be true for the occasional lucky one but on the average that fairy tale does not come true. Why should it? How would it be economical possible? First there is no reason as to why it this should happen second economically it would mean extreme inflation, if most people are rich, then everything gains in value since you can ask for more, but that means that someone has to be paid more as well. Now this always happens but at a very slow rate now say that suddenly everyone would be rich, technically it is not that the worth of the environment changes but rather of the money which then loses value extremely fast since everyone has it. It is basically not economically feasible to have the fairy tale come true for a greater portion of the society. So why is this believe there, as a tool for more power? Maybe but that question goes beyond the scope of this article. What are the effects of this believe? It induces the feel of comfort and assures you that there is somewhere out there a put filled with gold under your own private rainbow. Does this necessarily reflect 'reality' apparently not. This believe is then supported by such things as lotteries and gambling which emulate the chance to win something or to 'achieve' something that would allow one to escape this society.
A recent study of the UN found that 2% of the world population owned more then half of the world wealth, this wealth is in land, technology etc. Those two percent see no need for gaining more they have everything and the ones that do not have as much see it and believe that they can reach it if they just work hard enough.
This allows these two percent to continue owning as much or more as they have without the threat of someone taking it away from them.
Of course now the question is posed would the solution be to redistribute the world's wealth to everyone more or less equally? That is unlikely since such a sudden change would be to extreme and create problem with people that never had such resources available to them.
I will now leave with the question, why did this develop and why did people let this go this far?

Here is a related Article
Richest 2% own 'half the wealth' (BBC)

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