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Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Religions and war

It is curious that something that attempts to teach love and understanding, becoming cause of many wars. I would even be so bold as to state that religion has caused almost every war, religions seem to have the problem of attracting a certain kind of person. These people would be defined as fanatics, these fanatics often tend to illogical thinking which then justifies all their actions taken. These actions often go against the religion that they used to justify their action in the first place. There is actually only one religion that does not teach love, this religion would be 'capitalism' a relgion which seems to be the only religion that managed to coexist with many other religions. Capitalism even managed to become a state religion (of the U.S.), this relgion has only one goal, this goal would be the aquesition of capital this capital can be seen in the form great buildings and big bank accounts some times as servants and similar as well. Capitalism even though coexisting with other religions has managed to push the other religions aside which means anyone that is a capitalist can be bought, honor or soul have no real value. Why is it that even though our technology advanced we never did, relgion is still the major factor of change ot reaction in this society, when one religion steps back as we see it in the last one hundred years then it is replaced almost immidiatly by anotherone one that is different and better to incorporate in our current way of living. Why is it that the most recent religion is very aggressive even more so than any religion that made it to the 'top' of the religious mountain this new religion is not just hard on its opponents it is as well very hard on the believers or the people that life together with the believers. In this religion only some can life well while the greater portion of the population has to life in poverty and sickness while having only a small fraction of what the 'rich' part of the population has. Why is it that so many have to suffer so that so few can actually life in the most comfortable way, even though it is the rest that makes it possible for the few rich to life so well.

P.S.: I know what this text sounds like, it sounds as if Karl Marx or Joseph Stalin maybe even Moa started talking again but it is none the less true, I personaly would like to see a hybrid of both systems instead of the vendetta which was fueled so strongly by the capitalists and communists. A hybrid system that allows the reward of hard work and as well guarantees a good minimum way of living.

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