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Saturday, March 04, 2006

The Electrical Car

The electric car a success that failed

The first electric engine was developed in 1830 this paved the way for the electric car developed by Thomas Davenport. (American)
The first electric car was developed by Robert Anderson of Scotland between 1832 and 1839 (no exact date is known) this car was a carriage with an electric engine.
The next one was in 1835 by Professor Stratingh of Groningen, Holland and his assistant Christopher Becker (this one was only a model). Practical and more successful electrical cars were invented by both Thomas Davenport (American) and Robert Davidson (Scottish) in 1842, both operated with non-rechargeable batteries. This flaw could be changed in 1859 when the first rechargeable battery was invented by Gaston Plante. (French) The rechargeable battery or second battery at that time was improved around 1880 by Camille Faure. (French)
France and Britain were the first nations to support widespread development of electric vehicles, in the late 1800's. In 1899, a Belgian ,named Camille Jenatzy, built a electric racing car called “La Jamais Contente” this vehicle set a new world record in speed (68.8 mph) and as well broke the 100km/h barrier.
The Americans noticed the electrical car in 1895, this became noticeable in 1897 when a fleet of New York taxis built by Electric Carriage and Wagon Company of Philadelphia was put into action.
(This taxi fleet was 100% electrical and rechargeable.)
1900 cars were available with steam engine, electrical, and gasoline, this was the as well the high time for the electrical car in America. The electrical car outsold all other types at this point and had many advantages. The distance record for electrical cars was set by BGS which car could drive 180 miles on a single charge.
They did not have the vibrations the others had, nor did they smell or produced noise associated with gasoline cars. Changing gears was not necessary (gasoline cars), the steam car did not need a gear shift either but it took up to 45 minutes to start-up (on a cold morning). The steam car as well did not have the range the electrical car offered with a single charge, the only good streets at this time were in cities limiting car travel even further.
In 1902 the Wood's Phaeton was little more than a electrical horse carriage but it had a range of 18 miles and a top speed of 14 mph (prize 2000$). Later in 1916 Woods invented a hybrid car that had a combustion engine as well as a electrical.
Electrical cars ranged from 1000$ to 3000$ by 1910, they also enjoyed success in the 1920's the production peaked in 1912.
Reasons for decline: Better street systems created the need for long-range vehicles, the discovery of crude oil in Texas made oil cheaper, the invention of the electrical starter made
the hand crank unnecessary, the mass production of internal combustion engine vehicles by Henry Ford made these vehicles available and affordable.
The electrical car had almost entirely disappeared by 1935.
1960 GM began working on Electovair, a converted Corvair and Ford began development of their sodium-sulfur based battery but neither managed to financially justify the costs to push the technology.
Boyertown Auto Body Works jointly formed the Battronic Truck Company with Smith Delivery Vehicles Ltd., of England and the Exide Devision of the Electric Battery Company. The first Battronic electric truck was delivered in 1964 its top speed was 25mph and the range was 62 miles under a payload of 2,500 pounds.
Battronic worked with General Electric from 1973 to 1983 to produce 175 utility vans, Battronic also developed and produced about 20 passenger buses in the mid 1970's.
In 1975, the United States Postal Service purchased 350 electric delivery vans from the American Motor Company to be used in a test program. These vans had a range of 40 miles at a speed of 40 miles even though they could reach 50 miles.
The electric car has not regained its old glory yet even though it is used more and more especially in services as, taxis, buses, postal services and private users.
The electric engine has always been the most efficient and cleanest, (depending on source of electricity) the main weakness of the electrical car always has been range.

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