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Saturday, April 14, 2007

Surreal Reality and Taxes

The time of the Tax Return is upon us once more, yet this time I actually had to do them myself...while attempting to understand what the Canadian Government wanted to know from me and how I could make them understand what I had made or not made over the last year. Well, I noticed a most interesting fact which shocked me a bit, this fact was that the organization of the Tax forms seemed to defy all logic and that it seemed to be designed to do nothing but to confuse the victim. This victim then would have to try to mule through the enormous amount of cross referencing that would seem more then unnecessary, further while trying to make sense of this most evil piece of confusion and illogic I further noticed that for some inexplicable reason all these lines in my specific case could be reduced to circa asking basic questions, thus questions that could more easily be answered and would not cause problems: How much have you made over the passed year? How much have you spend for education and similar? etc.
Yet, the sheet seems to be less designed for ease of use then for complicating the use, thus making it more difficult for the victim to claim any money for themselves and if they become to confused in the marsh of cross-reference then the victim might even have to pay extra since that is 'fair'. What does the victim get from paying those taxes? Well interestingly enough if a several corporations would take over the areas for which we pay the government then we suddenly would be likely to see improvement, now the reason for that would less be that the corporation would care about the victim or that the corporation simply is better then the government. No, the answer is far more simple, the corporation would try to keep the customer by not confusing them unnecessarily by simple stating how much is due, this would also mean that you would only pay on the services that the individual actually wishes to receive. For example as heartless as it may seem a married couple with double income but without children is illogically paying for services that they would never require such as schools. If this couple had the choice they could continue to do so but would not be forced to do so, now in the capitalistic system this would actually be something to be desired since logically if they have more money available they are also more likely to invest more and spend more.
Of course there is another interesting feature concerning taxes, something history professors and students like to point out with equal vigor which are the facts that many of the taxes today are a) not necessary Canada does have a very thick surplus today b) was promised to be a temporary obligation to make the war effort possible, yes the World War 2 war effort c) that historically people if percieve the governing body to be in such a place rightly that the government then is always right and that the person that would deny the government would automatically be thus in the wrong. If that is the case the people can not deny the government the payment of taxes.
Ultimately it is curious that taxes have become something so very accepted that the government has gained more and more power over the last hundred years, and not just in Canada but in many countries.
This is a form of tribute that we pay to the government for what? Protection? Good Roads? Payed Schooling? The main part of these taxes of course is absorbed by the monstrous bureaucracy which such a government creates, more then 40% of the Canadian population actually is employed by government. Now some of those people provide services for which people are paying anyhow such as the postal service.
Yet, there are things that could be significantly simplified if attempted to do so first of all of course taxes that were necessary during World War 2 for the war effort are more then unnecessary today and the government is responsible to cancel such taxes aka income tax. Now of course it has to be noted that the government of today does provide in some areas more services then it did before but it is not neccessary for any government to make money that is not the mandate of ANY government that is the mandate of a Corporation, which at least is honest on that aspect, but any government is only responsible to request money that is necessary to maintain services required by the public, and to expand services if necessary but not to make money beyond the needed.

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