I was bored out of my own mind and began to simply browse my shortcuts and landed on Facebook eventually after going through a few forums. Which I hadn't visited in...a long long time. So I landed on the website and couldn't get over the number of personal service ads that were supported as well as cars and 'We need Testers'.
But of course if you are bored sufficiently you will start borrowing deeper and deeper into the website and eventually given enough boredom you will start uploading pictures...or doing something else revealing more and more about yourself to the international Internet community.
Of course the beauty of doing so is it does keep you busy during those long boring evenings when nothing has to be done really and all you are doing is staring at the ceiling in utter boredom...or write on a blog, Forum or other online site.
We create terabytes of unique information per year...actually far more then that but how much of this information is generated by utter boredom. In all probability most of it and yet we still seem to think that the people who we meet online are relevant to us in our real life's we reveal our most private facts to them. Not that the necessarily care to know those things, it is most similar to a state of intoxication in which we open our secrets to some poor soul near us. Are we really that starved for person to person interaction these days that we need the online world or is it simply a product of us being so bored since we have nothing left to do for the rest of the day.
The reality of it is that we use Facebook and the number of friends on our friends-list as a status symbol. "I have 117 people on my friends-list!" But how many of those people do you know and how many of those do you actually want to talk to? Many times the friends-lists are nothing but a pile up of mutual friends or just names which over lap with people that you used to know once upon a time. The biggest argument for those social networks is that they help you to socialize in a time of stress and lack of time, not that e-mails would do the same or IM Services (Instant Messaging) aka MSN Messanger, ICQ (The old veteran), Skype etc.
How many people do we need in our lives to be happy since we don't need hundreds of friends but only a few close ones. Maybe then again its just another frenzy for something new and fancy which will die off eventually again and be replaced by owning a big collection of teddy bears and cars.