Chat-rooms as well as Instant messanging has become very popular over the years, now the main issue with that is the anonymity or some might say that the anonymity is the reason for their popularity. Most parents have a problem with their children meeting people online that they do not know, those people could be children of the same age or younger or some teenager or an adult or in the worst case scenario a 'pervert'. A person that wants to take advantage of the child through the anonymity or maybe trick the child into meeting, or what ever this 'pervert' plans on doing. Now a British company has developed a passport system for chat-rooms that can be purchased by them and this license or passport allows others to identify where in general terms you life for example Canada, how old you are, gender and name. This new invention is intended to protect children and young adults or teenagers from exploitations and other dangers that they might encounter through the use of a chat-room. So parents get out your credit card, because this service will not be for free it will cost you about ten pounds a year, of course that is an acceptable price to pay to make sure that your child is not chatting with some queer guys. Both parties that want to chat have to have one of those passports for the scheme to work, because otherwise its entirely worthless and you might as well send the money to someone who needs it, or throw it out of you window it would either way make no difference, even though the person that could buy a meal or two from that money so that might be the better option of the two. The point is that the system does only work if both parties in a chat have this 'NETID'.
Popularity of this system is still a interesting issue since this is a first and no-one has ever tried to marked something like this, it will be released in the following nations: UK, Canada, Australia and the US, it will carry the name 'NETIDME'.
Now the thing with only four nations is that the "NETID' might hit around 400 million give or take some millions of many billion people online, for the people in North America it is good since it hits a good portion of the people in their time-zones but Australia as well the UK could encounter a slight problem with that...since there are many other nations in close to their time-zone(s) which might make it less effective there.